Area Service Committees

Area Service Calendar
Area Service Committee (ASC)


Area service committees are ultimately responsible to the groups they serve. Narcotics Anonymous groups send group service representatives (GSRs) to serve on the area committee. While still maintaining final responsibility and authority for area services, they invest enough delegated authority in their GSRs—and through them, in the area committee—for the necessary work to get done.

NA groups also send money to the area committee, money needed to coordinate panels, maintain phonelines, and conduct public information activities. Through their contributions of money and manpower, the groups exercise both their responsibility and their authority for NA services.

Attendance at ASC is open to all interested NA members.
Each group should send a GSR, and/or Alt GSR to ASC each month to relay information, and be the voice of their group at the ASC

Meets on the First Sunday of EVERY Month at 3:00 PM
Meets in Hybrid format

Tumwater United Methodist Church
1401 Lake Park Drive SW
Tumwater, WA 98512

Zoom ID: 832 670 439
Password: 1953
Zoom Link

Hospitals & Institution (H&I)

Hospitals and institutions subcommittees conduct panels that carry the NA message to addicts who often have no other way of hearing our message. Treatment panels are conducted for patients at addiction treatment centers, mental health facilities, and therapeutic communities. Correctional panels are held for inmates at jails, prisons, and forensic hospitals. The Hospitals and Institutions Handbook, available from your local H&I subcommittee or by writing the World Service Office, explains more about how to conduct panels, interact with facility administrators, and organize subcommittee work. The amount of work your local H&I subcommittee does will depend on a variety of factors: the number of treatment and correctional facilities in your area, the number of NA members in your area who are interested in H&I service, and the amount of collective experience in H&I work in your NA community.

H&I subcommittee responsibilities sometimes overlap those of the local public information subcommittee. For this reason, we encourage H&I and PI subcommittees to closely cooperate with one another. In some areas, H&I and PI subcommittees regularly send one or two members to each other’s meetings to maintain communications, thereby minimizing the potential for conflict in these two key fields of service

Attendance at H&I is open to all interested NA members

HYBRID and in person

Meets on the First Thursday of EVERY Month at 6:00 PM except March 7th Meeting March 14th instead.

Westside Lanes 2200 Garfield Ave NW,

Olympia, WA 98502

Zoom ID: 888 922 245
Password: 1953
Zoom Link


Public Information (PI)

The role of the PI committee is to ensure that clear and accurate information about NA is available to the public. The demand for information about our fellowship is greater than ever. Being part of a committee that brings suffering addicts to our fellowship is a reward that cannot be expressed, only experienced.

Every member has a place in the public information committee. PI does value and need your input, suggestions, feedback, and participation. We openly invite you to come to a PI committee meeting. Like most service committees, PI always needs willing hands and minds.

Hybrid and in person Meets  on the Third Thursday of EVERY Month at 7:00 PM

Peer Olympia 522 Franklin St SE, Olympia, WA 98501

or Zoom ID: 931 8500 4091
Password: 1953
Zoom Link

Activities Subcommittee

The Activities Subcommittee organizes dances, picnics, camp-outs, and speaker meetings. Activities like these help to provide a greater sense of unity for the South Puget Sound Area NA Fellowship.

Attendance at Activities is open to all interested NA members.

Meets on the same Sunday as Area at 1:00 PM

Tumwater United Methodist Church
1401 Lake Park Drive SW
Tumwater, WA 98512

Making New Memories Campout (MNM)

The subcommittee meeting is a place to conduct the necessary business that pertains to the work associated to our purpose. The open forum sharing session provides a way to discuss planning/ issues in an informal setting. Ideally, this helps to achieve consensus when decisions need to be made in the business portion of the subcommittee meeting. The subcommittee will establish a consistent time and place to meet that will accommodate the needs of the subcommittee members and other trusted servants.

Attendance at Making New Memories is open to all interested NA members.

Meets on the First Sunday of EVERY Month at 1:00 PM
Tumwater United Methodist Church
1401 Lake Park Dr SW
Tumwater WA 98512

Committee Guidelines

Name Created Date Modified Date Type Size
September 9, 2023 12:20 pm September 9, 2023 12:20 pm Directory